Camps at your Museum are back in miniature form!
Join us for a few hours on Thursdays or Fridays to learn through play! Over the course of eight weeks our Mini Camps will host a different S.T.E.A.M.* themed program – one each week – that will encourage your child to explore and learn in such a way that they won’t know they’re learning. Yeah, we’re sneaky like that.
Thursdays are dedicated to children entering Kindergarten and First Grade. Fridays are for children entering Second through Fourth Grades. Each day begins at 9A and ends at 12P and is $25 per day ($20 if you’re a member).
We will provide a snack, play-time in the museum, and plenty of fun activities each day!
Space is limited. Restore Illinois/CDC Guidelines will be followed.
*Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. But you knew that…
CMofIL Program Policies and Procedures
Please limit the number of people accompanying the child at pick-up and drop-off to one adult.
Drop off will begin at 8:45A in the classroom.
Pick up will be available at 11:45A in the classroom.
Waiver must be signed upon entry.
Class Procedures
Class size is limited to 10 children.
Each Camper will need to bring the following with them each day:
■ A mask (masks will be worn at most essential times when physical distancing is difficult)
■ Water bottle (we will not be using water fountains or providing glasses for water)
Each camper will be assigned a table and a tub for the week.
■ Tubs will be used for the camper’s personal supply set, bags, coats and lunches
■ Each camper will be given scissors, markers, pencil, etc. to use for the entire week
Seats will be at least 6 feet from one another.
Cleaning procedures
○ All surfaces will be cleaned prior to each day of camp as well as throughout the day
○ Activities will occur outside if possible
○ Tables will be cleaned prior to and after lunch and snack
○ Hand sanitizer and a sink with soap will be available in each classroom