Exhibits Some of the Fun you'll find!
Here’s a look at our marquee areas of interest. In addition to what you’ll find here,
there’s so much more to discover in and around the museum–lots to see and do!
Ground Floor

Central Climber
Our central climber has multiple ways to cliiiiiiimb up or sliiiiiiide down, including a spiral staircase for the less-adventurous among us. Plus there's an airplane you can pilot AND we captured the moon--temporarily (we release it nightly into the sky). You can totally crawl inside of it!

Central Climber
Our central climber has multiple ways to cliiiiiiimb up or sliiiiiiide down, including a spiral staircase for the less-adventurous among us. Plus there's an airplane you can pilot AND we captured the moon--temporarily (we release it nightly into the sky). You can totally crawl inside of it!

Water Table
Our 20 foot water table has multiple areas of interest as we track the distribution of soybean products from Central Illinois to the ports at the Gulf. Featuring a "You Are Here" light-up replica of the historic Staley building plus rainclouds, a working lock-and-dam system, a fog mushroom, and more! Presented via a partnership with the Illinois Soybean Association.

Water Table
Our 20 foot water table has multiple areas of interest as we track the distribution of soybean products from Central Illinois to the ports at the Gulf. Featuring a "You Are Here" light-up replica of the historic Staley building plus rainclouds, a working lock-and-dam system, a fog mushroom, and more! Presented via a partnership with the Illinois Soybean Association.

Super Service Center
Experience what it is like to work in an automotive shop at the Super Service Center. Featuring a kid-sized car on a lift so you can do repairs and maintenance on it--such as replacing the muffler or rotating the tires. There’s even a "creeper" that allows you to slide back and forth under the car for hard to reach repairs!

Super Service Center
Experience what it is like to work in an automotive shop at the Super Service Center. Featuring a kid-sized car on a lift so you can do repairs and maintenance on it--such as replacing the muffler or rotating the tires. There’s even a "creeper" that allows you to slide back and forth under the car for hard to reach repairs!

Seed to Shelf
Seed to Shelf is a hands-on agriculture exhibit that traces the journey our food takes-- where it comes from and how it gets to the shelves of our local grocery stores. Featuring our ever popular Johnston's Market, where kid-sized carts await our kid-sized shoppers!

Seed to Shelf
Seed to Shelf is a hands-on agriculture exhibit that traces the journey our food takes-- where it comes from and how it gets to the shelves of our local grocery stores. Featuring our ever popular Johnston's Market, where kid-sized carts await our kid-sized shoppers!
Second Floor

Young at Art
Draw, fold, color, cut, CREATE! Everything you need to make something is here, and when you're done you can hang it on our gallery wall. We provide the occasional prompt or activity to jumpstart your project, though your imagination is truly the limit here!
Young at Art
Draw, fold, color, cut, CREATE! Everything you need to make something is here, and when you're done you can hang it on our gallery wall. We provide the occasional prompt or activity to jumpstart your project, though your imagination is truly the limit here!
Paint Wall
Here we actually encourage you to PAINT on the WALLS! Explore your creative side while creating masterpieces on our plexiglass paint wall. When you're done, leave it up for all to see, or wash it away and paint something new!
Paint Wall
Here we actually encourage you to PAINT on the WALLS! Explore your creative side while creating masterpieces on our plexiglass paint wall. When you're done, leave it up for all to see, or wash it away and paint something new!
CMofIL Theater
Our stage is fully operational and ready for a show! Pick your background, put on a costume, turn up the lights, open the curtain, and perform--dance, sing, act... whatever! In addition we have a wonderful painted piano right next to the stage. Feel free to jump on and play us a tune!
CMofIL Theater
Our stage is fully operational and ready for a show! Pick your background, put on a costume, turn up the lights, open the curtain, and perform--dance, sing, act... whatever! In addition we have a wonderful painted piano right next to the stage. Feel free to jump on and play us a tune!
Mama Mia's Pizzeria & Gelato Stand
Our restaurant is the perfect destination for those who love to cook! Whip up a pizza and toss it in the oven, scoop up some delicious gelato, serve your customers, then check them out at the register. Order up!
Mama Mia's Pizzeria & Gelato Stand
Our restaurant is the perfect destination for those who love to cook! Whip up a pizza and toss it in the oven, scoop up some delicious gelato, serve your customers, then check them out at the register. Order up!
Healthy Mouth
Learn how to clean teeth so they stay pearly white in this over-sized mouth! Made possible with support from Jerger Pediatric Dentistry.
A Peek Inside
Our newest exhibit is all about eye health. Go inside an eyeball to learn how they work! In cooperation with Midwest Eye Foundation.
Healthy Mouth
Learn how to clean teeth so they stay pearly white in this over-sized mouth! Made possible with support from Jerger Pediatric Dentistry.
A Peek Inside
Our newest exhibit is all about eye health. Go inside an eyeball to learn how they work! In cooperation with Midwest Eye Foundation.
HSHS Hospital
Our Emergency Room puts you right into the action! Featuring an ambulance, X-Rays, and more. In cooperation with St. Mary's Hospital.
HSHS Hospital
Our Emergency Room puts you right into the action! Featuring an ambulance, X-Rays, and more. In cooperation with St. Mary's Hospital.
Ready. Set. Build!
Construction is the name of the game here. Plenty of places to climb, crawl, and slide around. And lots of building opportunities, including our awesomely lifesize EverBlocks! This re-imagined "Ready. Set. Build!" was made possible thanks to: O’Shea Builders, Teamsters #916, Carpenters #270, Painters Union, Iron Workers #46, Bodine Electric, and Kenny’s Ace Hardware.
Ready. Set. Build!
Construction is the name of the game here. Plenty of places to climb, crawl, and slide around. And lots of building opportunities, including our awesomely lifesize EverBlocks! This re-imagined "Ready. Set. Build!" was made possible thanks to: O’Shea Builders, Teamsters #916, Carpenters #270, Painters Union, Iron Workers #46, Bodine Electric, and Kenny’s Ace Hardware.
For Toddlers
Toddler Farm & Toddler Port
Areas designated specifically for our four and under set, one on each floor, each with it's own unique flavor and style of play. Head to the farm on our ground floor for play inspired by Ol' MacDonald, or enter The Toddler Port upstairs where, among other things, you can engineer a train!
Toddler Farm & Toddler Port
Areas designated specifically for our four and under set, one on each floor, each with it's own unique flavor and style of play. Head to the farm on our ground floor for play inspired by Ol' MacDonald, or enter The Toddler Port upstairs where, among other things, you can engineer a train!
HEROES HALL Calling all Heroes!
This immersive wing of the museum was made possible through a generous donation from and active collaboration with the Howard G. Buffett Foundation.
Put on a uniform and crack actual cases while learning the ins and outs of what it takes to serve and protect a community. You can even jump into the cockpit of the Sheriff’s helicopter parked outside!
Main Floor
The ground level of Heroes Hall is the hub of all the action. Here you can gear up, find a case to crack, head to dispatch for additional assignments, look over clues in the Crime Lab, and check out an actual Sheriff's squad car. Plenty of additional things to discover, too!
Main Floor
The ground level of Heroes Hall is the hub of all the action. Here you can gear up, find a case to crack, head to dispatch for additional assignments, look over clues in the Crime Lab, and check out an actual Sheriff's squad car. Plenty of additional things to discover, too!
Second Floor
There's more to explore upstairs: you'll find additional uniforms to wear, the Training Academy will ready you for action, you can look over some suspects in the Lineup, put criminals behind bars, and patrol the entire area via helicopter. Plus a Book Nook tucked away back in a corner!
Second Floor
There's more to explore upstairs: you'll find additional uniforms to wear, the Training Academy will ready you for action, you can look over some suspects in the Lineup, put criminals behind bars, and patrol the entire area via helicopter. Plus a Book Nook tucked away back in a corner!