Are you ready for a challenge? Use the materials below to create a catapult that can launch something small (like a marshmallow). Can you do it?
For this activity you will need the following items:
- Popsicle Sticks
- Masking Tape
- Paper Bowl
- Plastic Spoon
- Rubber Bands
- Straws
- Paper
- Pencil
Now here’s what you do:
- First of all, you need a plan! Use the paper and pencil to draw your ideas on how you will build your catapult. How will you attach pieces to each other? How will it work?
- Now it’s all up to you! Use your plan to create your catapult with the materials.
- Let’s test it! Grab a small object, like a marshmallow, and see if it flies through the air! Did it work?
- If it did work, can you re-design your catapult to make it go further?
- If it didn’t work, that’s ok! Let’s try to make some changes and see if they work.
- Keep testing your catapult until it’s in perfect working condition.
We’d love to see what you built! Can you take a video and post it on social media?
Inspiration: Science Gal