Did you know you can GROW your own crystals at home? This experiment takes some time, but once it’s done it will sparkle as a window decoration.
For this activity you will need the following items:
- Borax (Do not ingest! Always wash hands after touching)
- Hot Water (Be careful!)
- Pipe Cleaners
- Cookie Cutters (to make various shapes)
- Thin Ribbon or String
- Popsicle Sticks (or pencil)
- Mason Jars (or another large mouthed cup)

Now here’s what you do:
- Bend the pipe cleaner around a cookie cutter to make a shape or make a shape by yourself. Twist the pipe cleaner closed at the end of the shape. Cut off any extra pipe cleaner at the end. Repeat for the second pipe cleaner so you have 2 star shapes.
2. Tie the thin ribbon or string around each star, then hang them from the popsicle stick.
3. Lower the 2 stars into a jar and rest the popsicle stick over the opening of the jar. Make sure the pipe cleaner stars aren’t touching each other or the sides/bottom of the jar.
4. Pour 2 cups of boiling water into a glass measuring cup. Add the borax and stir until dissolved. If the borax won’t dissolve, microwave the mixture for 30 seconds at a time, stirring each time, until the water is completely clear.
5. Carefully pour the hot borax mixture into the mason jar. Fill the jar until the top of the star, but no higher. (Crystals will form on the ribbon if it’s below the liquid)
6. Leave them for 6 to 24 hours and watch the borax crystals grow!
This is a great family fun activity. What shapes did your family make? Keep track of your crystal progress with pictures. We’d love to see how your experiment turned out! Post your pictures on Facebook or Insta using #CMofILHomeFun
*This experiment uses borax- do not ingest. Always wash your hands after touching your project.
Source: OneLittleProject.com