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Learning Labs

Learning Labs are a great way to enhance a field trip with interactive learning. Each lab lasts approximately 45 minutes and is designed specifically for your grade level. Learning Labs include a hands-on activity and, for PreK through 2nd grade, a story. Learning Labs are $2 per student (added to a $5 Basic Field Trip). Each class is limited to 30 children. Groups with more than 30 children will be asked to split into smaller groups.

PIC - Learning Labs 2021 - 01

Pre K – Kindergarten Learning Labs

Sensory Bin

Embark on a sensory hunt in the sand! Dig for items (themed for the season/month/holiday) then draw the items you find!

Mini Mixing Canvas Art

What’s your favorite color? How does it mix with others? In this lab we’ll explore mixing colors with mini canvas art!

1st – 2nd Grade Learning Labs


Get gooey, get messy, and get SLIMEY with our ever-popular Slime Lab!


Monsters aren’t so scary, especially when you make your very own monster pal!

3rd – 4th Grade Learning Labs

Paper Build

Using only newspaper and tape we will work to design and build a chair that can actually be sat on!

Coloring Robot

Together we will build a coloring robot! We’ll then make artwork for each student to take home.

Looking for scholarships? We have them! Click HERE to learn more!

To book a field trip: 217-423-5437 or email Isaac at

55 S Country Club Rd 
Decatur, IL 62521

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